Civil War Food
American Civil War food played an important role in the lives of traveling soldiers and those who remained at home.
It has an important role in my life, too!
Food is a basic necessity. It served as the most important medicine of the Civil War.
Both soldiers marching in war and those remaining on the homefront faced shortages due to difficulties with harvest and transportation.
Fortunately, the fare in Gettysburg is much better today. The historical taverns offer a variety of fresh and wholesome dishes. Or you can try the modern Mexican and French restaurants!
Civil War Rations
The “food” provided in Civil War rations was often unappealing and unhealthy, focusing on filling the men rather than giving them energy to travel and fight.
Ingredients in Civil War Recipes
Learn about the ingredients found in authentic recipes that use foods from the Victorian era.
Civil War Recipe Exchange
Try preparing some traditional dishes with authentic Civil War recipes using foods from the Victorian era.
Homemade Recipes
I have collected traditional homemade recipes from my family in the Gettysburg area and created a downloadable recipe book with everything from scrapple to strawberry rhubarb pie.
Gettysburg Restaurant Reviews
Share your favorite Gettysburg restaurants and get ideas about other places to try with great food and unique atmospheres.
Did you know? Food as Civil War Medicine
Dr. John Hay Terrill reduced the smallpox death rate of Civil War prisoners of war from 90% to 5% just by giving his patients uncooked sauerkraut. The good bacteria in lacto-fermented foods act as probiotics that keep bad germs from growing! You can learn more by reading about sauerkraut here or visiting the Civil War Cemetery and Pest House in Lynchburg, VA.
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